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Shafts for Woods

Mitsubishi Kai’li White 70

Kai’li™ White explores new depths of power and performance in a low-launch, low-spin driver shaft.

Mitsubishi Kai’li White 60

Kai’li™ White explores new depths of power and performance in a low-launch, low-spin driver shaft.

Mitsubishi TENSEI RAW Orange 85

TENSEI™ AV RAW Orange is a Counter-Balanced shaft that shifts the balance point towards the hands, giving players the opportunity to make specific performance adjustments by altering shaft length or adding weight to the clubhead.

Mitsubishi TENSEI RAW Orange 75

TENSEI™ AV RAW Orange is a Counter-Balanced shaft that shifts the balance point towards the hands, giving players the opportunity to make specific performance adjustments by altering shaft length or adding weight to the clubhead.

Mitsubishi TENSEI RAW Orange 65

TENSEI™ AV RAW Orange is a Counter-Balanced shaft that shifts the balance point towards the hands, giving players the opportunity to make specific performance adjustments by altering shaft length or adding weight to the clubhead.

Mitsubishi TENSEI RAW Orange 55

Mitsubishi TENSEI RAW Orange 55 Shaft Name Flex Length (in) Weight (g) Tip OD (in) Tip (in) Butt OD(in) Torque (deg) Kick Pt. TENSEI™ AV RAW Orange 55 R 46 57 0.335 3 0.608 5.8 … Read more

Mitsubishi TENSEI RAW White 85

The TENSEI™ AV Series White builds upon the success of its TENSEI™ AV RAW White predecessor.

Mitsubishi TENSEI RAW White 75

Mitsubishi TENSEI RAW White 75 Shaft Name Flex Length (in) Weight (g) Tip OD (in) Tip (in) Butt OD(in) Torque (deg) Kick Pt. TENSEI™ AV Series White 65 S 46 68 0.335 3 0.598 3.5 … Read more

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